1 Female sterilisation
Sterilisation is only for those who do not want to or cannot have any more children and who accept the loss of their fertility.
For the woman, sterilisation consists of tying or placing a ring around the fallopian tubes or inserting micro-implants inside these tubes. In doing so it prevents the sperm and egg cell to fertilize.
It is a surgical operation performed under general anaesthetic; however the implants can be inserted under local anaesthetic

1 Area of the operation
2 Fallopian tube
3 Ovary
4 Uterus
5 Vagina
- It is immediately effective after surgery, except for the micro-implants which become only effective after 3 months, during which another method of contraception needs to be used.
- The woman’s sexual life is unchanged, the hormonal secretions and menstruation continue as before until the menopause.
- Sterilisation for a woman is not easily reversible and must be considered as a final decision.
Sexual Health and Family Planning Counselling Centers are available for couples wanting to take this important decision.
As with all other methods of contraception, the use of a condom at the same time is advised as a protection against sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV/ AIDS.
2 Male sterilisation (Vasectomy)
Sterilisation is only for those who do not want or cannot have more children and who accept the loss of their fertility.
Vasectomy consists of tying and cutting the vas deferens, which serve as a passage for the spermatozoids. The sperm will no longer contain any spermatozoids.
The operation is performed under local anaesthetic in the outpatients department. It takes 15-20 minutes.

- Incision of the scrotum
- Bladder
- Vas deferens
- Prostate gland
- Penis
- Testicle
- It is not immediately effective. A means of contraception must be used until a test shows that sperm contains no more spermatozoids (after about 20 ejaculations).
- Male erection and quantity of ejaculated semen remain unchanged after sterilization (vasectomy.
- Vasectomy is not easily reversible and must be considered carefully as a final decision.
2013, SANTÉ SEXUELLE SUISSE, Fondation suisse pour la santé sexuelle et reproductive; ALECSS Association suisse latine des spécialistes en santé sexuelle, Éducation – Formation – Conseil; faseg, Fachverband sexuelle Gesundheit in Beratung und Bildung
Further information on the topic
- Non-hormonal methods of contraception
- The transdermal patch (skin patch)
- The diaphragm (or cap)
- The female condom
- The male condom
- Benzaltex Spermicide
- The coil (copper; or hormonal)
- Implant under the skin
- The quarterly injection
- Less reliable contraceptive methods
- Natural methods of birth control
- Male contraception
- The progesterone-only pill (mini-pill)
- The combined pill (oestrogen and progestogen) with a break
- Emergency contraception
- Vaginal ring
- The estrogen and progestogen pill taken without interruption