Medically sound information on sexual health. Contraception Less reliable contraceptive methods

Less reliable contraceptive methods

The following methods must never be used by women or couples who cannot take any risk of becoming pregnant. 

The Ogino or «rhythm» method

This method is based on statistical calculations. It determines which days are close to ovulation and therefore probably fertile, based on the length of the last 6-12 cycles.
One can also buy an electronic device, which indicates the fertile period based on the Ogino calculations.

These calculations are unreliable!
Illness, emotional shock, tiredness, worries... all may bring forward or delay ovulation. 


These exist in different forms, pessaries, creams, jelly, foam, sponge etc. Once placed inside the vagina they supposedly destroy the spermatozoids. Spermicides used by themselves are not very effective. They should always be used in conjunction with another form of contraception (condom or cap) with the exception of Benzalkonium products (see separate leaflet «Benzalkonium spermicide»). 

As well as being ineffective, these methods do not give any protection against sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV/AIDS.

Interrupted sexual intercourse (coitus), «withdrawal» or «being careful»

The man withdraws his penis before ejaculation.


  • The man may withdraw a fraction of a second too late.
  • Sperm may be present in the drop of liquid found at the end of the erect penis and can therefore fertilise the woman as soon as penetration takes place. 

Vaginal «douche»

  • This consists of immediately washing out the vagina with water (with or without the addition of a spermicide) to stop the sperm reaching the uterus.
  • In fact, the vagina can never be washed out in time as the sperm only needs a few seconds to reach the uterus. This method is therefore completely ineffective. 

Good to know

  • The best way to protect yourself from HIV or other sexually transmitted infections is to practise safer sex:
    1. Always use a condom, male or female, for penetrative sex (vaginal or anal sex).
    2. For more personal sexual advice, do the safer sex check on

2018, SANTÉ SEXUELLE SUISSE, Fondation suisse pour la santé sexuelle et reproductive; ALECSS Association suisse latine des spécialistes en santé sexuelle, Éducation – Formation – Conseil; faseg, Fachverband sexuelle Gesundheit in Beratung und Bildung

Do you have any questions?

Doctors in your local sexual health service centre will answer your questions in confidentiality. They are there to help you find the best way to deal with your situation.

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