Natural methods of birth control
The principle
The natural methods are based on the woman’s observation of the signs of the fertile and infertile periods of her cycle. It is necessary for the couple to abstain from sexual intercourse during the fertile period or to use other methods of contraception (condom or diaphragm). These methods are effective if they are correctly learnt and applied providing the couple is motivated.
They can also be used to facilitate a pregnancy by knowing the fertile period.
Different methods
1. The temperature method is based on the body temperature taken each morning on waking up. The temperature curve indicates by a slight rise and then a stable period that ovulation is finished and the infertile period begins.
2. The method of observing the cervical secretions or Billings method is based on the observation of the cervical secretion, its quantity, its quality and its consistency (thin, clear, slippery or dryish, white and flaky). This can indicate the ovulation period.
3. The methods of auto-observation (MAO) combine:
- The temperature
- The Billings method or observation of the cervical secretions
- Feeling the neck of the womb (cervix), which changes during the menstrual cycle.
- Different signs indicating ovulation (abdominal pain, breast tension etc.)
All these taken together improve the efficiency of this method of contraception.
What you must know
...The efficiency of this method depends on the couple’s motivation and a strict respect of the rules.
...These methods are difficult to apply during adolescence, directly after childbirth, during the pre-menopause period and if the cycle is irregular or in the case of amenorrhea.
...All these methods demand a minute, daily observation of these different signs which the woman notes daily on the plan.
...A learning period of 3-6 cycles (months) is necessary, supervised by trained competent people.
...With these methods it is necessary to observe a period of abstinence or supplementary protection during the fertile periods.
Good to know
- The best way to protect yourself from HIV or other sexually transmitted infections is to practise safer sex:
1. Always use a condom, male or female, for penetrative sex (vaginal or anal sex).
2. For more personal sexual advice, do the safer sex check on
2018, SANTÉ SEXUELLE SUISSE, Fondation suisse pour la santé sexuelle et reproductive; ALECSS Association suisse latine des spécialistes en santé sexuelle, Éducation – Formation – Conseil; faseg, Fachverband sexuelle Gesundheit in Beratung und Bildung
Further information on the topic
- Non-hormonal methods of contraception
- The transdermal patch (skin patch)
- The diaphragm (or cap)
- The female condom
- The male condom
- Benzaltex Spermicide
- The coil (copper; or hormonal)
- Implant under the skin
- The quarterly injection
- Less reliable contraceptive methods
- Sterilisation
- Male contraception
- The progesterone-only pill (mini-pill)
- The combined pill (oestrogen and progestogen) with a break
- Emergency contraception
- Vaginal ring
- The estrogen and progestogen pill taken without interruption